Photo by Amos Mac
About Me
I am a Los Angeles-based consultant for artists and arts organizations. I’m the author of Make Your Art No Matter What: Moving Beyond Creative Hurdles (Chronicle Books, 2021) and Your Art Will Save Your Life (Feminist Press, 2018). I am represented by Laura Lee Mattingly at Present Perfect.
I earned my Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri. Since 2010, I have provided career consultation, grant writing, fundraising, and financial, project, and strategic planning services for artists and arts organizations throughout the U.S. I team-teach an entrepreneurship course at the California Institute of the Arts School of Theater and teach workshops at universities, companies, and art spaces throughout the U.S.
My Approach
I understand artists as people who are deeply, profoundly compelled to be creatively engaged. Making work and creative practice are central to an artist's well-being and how an artist understands and processes being on the planet. I integrate person-centered Rogerian therapy training, financial management and fundraising, feminist analysis and capitalist critique, and goal-oriented actions to move my clients in the direction of their ambition. We focus on both the internal and the external work necessary to build their art career. Inspired by Emily's List which raises early money for pro-choice women candidates running for public office, I understand how 'early money' and opportunities can push my clients' careers ahead.